We all love dogs (or you wouldn’t be reading this!) but do we all understand that some dogs need space?  For a host of different reasons, it’s often better NOT to give some dogs attention.  A dog may have health issues, may be in training or may be recovering from surgery.  The dog may have previously suffered a bad experience or could be being rehabilitated, be nervous or older or just fragile in some way. 

Why might a dog need space?

  • it could have health or recovery needs
  • a rescue dog which is undergoing rehabilitation
  • may have had a bad experience with another dog
  • its just not like the kind of friendly dogs which always want to say “Hi!
  • the dog may be in training for a specific task
  • could be very old and arthritic
  • may be a nervous or shy dog

Some dogs find the world a scary place, through no fault of their own.  These are the dogs that the charity Yellow Dog UK are helping with their unique “Yellow Dog” system.  In short, a yellow marker on a dog means it needs some space.

If you see a dog which has a YELLOW BANDANA, RIBBON OR SIMILAR ON THE DOG OR IT’S LEASH, this is an indicator that the dog needs space.  Please do not approach this dog or it’s people and keep your own dog at distance.  The yellow marking indicates that their dog cannot be close to other dogs or people.  If you really believe that you should approach then seek permission from the dog’s handler – and respect their decision and advice, after all, they have already indicated not to approach.  How close is ‘too close’?  Only the dog and his people can judge this, so maintain a reasonable distance and give them the time and opportunity to move out of your way. 

Why ‘Yellow Dog’?

The charity Yellow Dog UK was set up (following a similar program introduced in Sweden) in 2012 to bring awareness to dogs who need space while training, recovering from surgery, or being rehabilitated.  They believe that making the Yellow Ribbon an accepted representation throughout the UK will benefit everyone and make dog walking a more enjoyable, and safer experience for all, and in turn give your dog a better quality of life.  They passionately believe in the Yellow Dog campaign and work tirelessly to promote the campaign across the UK – it is a fantastic campaign and will help to educate dog owners and the public to understand and recognise a dog who ‘needs space’.

Yellow Dog UK promotes good and responsible dog ownership.  Children, and adults, should always ask permission before touching a dog they do not know.  For more information please follow The Kennel Club Safe And Sound Code

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